Object + Material
What we surround ourselves in impacts our mood, experience, and well-being. Natural light, noise reduction, colour and texture craft harmonious dwellings and professional settings. Design as a complete sensory experience.

Living Materials
Longevity and durability of natural fibers that return to the earth. Materials sumptuous to touch and inviting. In respect of authenticity over trend, we will assist in organic selections aligned with your values.

Initiative + Commitment
Where do our old kitchen cabinets go? The end use of goods is currently a use and throw away model. Construction and building materials account for 11% of carbon emissions. An additional 28% of emissions are used to heat, cool, and light buildings.

We strive to find a repurpose and design with purpose.

As the building and design industries shift to creating and constructing with the health of the planet and people in mind, we work with our suppliers, builders, and clients to source materials and goods that reflect that ethos. Our team is connected with a growing number of manufacturers and artisans that are green or have made the commitment and executed steps to go green.

We pursue academic instruction and participate in open education toward fully sustainable design in our industry and for an entirety of this planet through the following intitiatives:

The Slow Factory
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
The Green Building Council
and connecting with local initiatives

We are all learning and commit to the revolution and evolution of sustainability for the health of people and the environment.

Experienced artisans and upcoming industry changers. If this is you, please contact us. We would like to connect you with clients and discuss how together we can be a bigger part of the shift to ethical dwellings and living.